Partitive article

What is a partitive article?    preposition DI + DEFINITE ARTICLE


Forms of the partitive article: del, dello, dell´, della, dei, degli, delle


Use of the partitive article

  1. It is used with mass nouns instead of the indefinite article
  2. It indicates an unspecified quantity or part of the whole
  3. In plural it indicates unspecified quantity of the whole or it serves as a plural form of the indefinite article


  1. C’è una tazza sul tavolo. There is a cup on the table.
  2. C’è del latte nella tazza. There is some milk in the cup.
  3. Ci sono delle tazze sul tavolo. There are some cups on the table.


Partitive article or zero article?


•Do lavoro ai ragazzi. I employ the boys.

•Do del lavoro ai ragazzi. I give the boys some work.

•Bevo caffè. I drink coffee.

•Bevo del caffè. I am drinking coffee.